Friday, April 17, 2009

love dem Caps!!

Last night Cash and I went to the grand opening of Fort Wayne's new downtown baseball stadium, and the first home appearance of the Tin Caps. It was quite the night complete with a pre-game F-16 flyover (you know what I always say, "any fly over is tax payer money well spent"), and the unveiling of our new mascot Johnny Be Goode (who burst onto the field like a bat out of hell and danced as if his life were on the line while most of the crowd was in line at the concession stand...I saw you Johnny!). The stadium is incredible and the Gaines family will surely have many great nights there in the future. And so I'll make my annual toungue in cheek taunt and say Lets Go Tin Caps!! Screw the Lugnuts. By the way, the Caps are 7-0!!


Bill said...

Choice seats?

Andrew said...

catch any foul balls this time?