The Cats in the Well with what little voice he has left. Typical Dylan show (from what I've heard) he plays for almost two hours with out looking or addressing the crowd once, finishes the last song All Along the Watchtower comes to the front of the stage with his band, takes a bow and walks off the stage. Leaving most of the crowd with their jaws dropped. Great show, special to have him in the Fort, his new CD is worth getting, he continues to write songs that are gripping lyrically and comforting musically. My favorite line is from Ain't Talking.
"I practice a faith that's been long abandoned
Ain't no altars on this long and lonesome road
Ain't talkin', just walkin"
Ain't no altars on this long and lonesome road
Ain't talkin', just walkin"
this guy's got a future in music writing, i believe! it was a lot of fun and a great show--it felt like we were in our backyard since the stadium is less than a mile from our house (that never happens in fort wayne). and, just for the record, i didn't "want" a bob dylan poncho--i was tired of being soaking wet!
did he play 'Queen Jane Approximately'?
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