Monday, June 06, 2005

for the Gaines/Lampi family

today`s my last day at Mika`s house so I thought I`d take a walk around the village and head up to the temple.
The temple is an amazing place and older than anything Ive seen or felt.
While I was there I stopped in the garden and said a prayer of thanksgiving for every blessing in my life. I named all of you and while I was praying I was made so aware of everything good in my life. My family was at the forefront of this. And I felt the breeze and sun on my face, and I heard the animals and the rolling stream, and I could smell the burning inscence, and I felt the presence of God closer than ever before, and therefore I felt the presence of my family. And even though I`m thousands of miles away I feel closer than ever to all of you. God is in everything, and if we stop and listen for the heartbeat of God we will begin to notice this, and we will be mindful of God`s creation, and we will be mindful of God`s blessings. God is in the Church as much as he is in each child at the homework house and each patient in the hospital. We need to continually remember this and continually make time to meditate on this, whether it be at a Temple in Japan, a beach in California, or a perfect summer evening in Michigan. And the blessings of God will be revelaed to us. I`m glad that I found this today as God revealed to me my greatest blessing: family. I love you all.


wes gaines said...

That's awesome Andrew, we miss you too enjoy the rest of your time, take a lot of pics, keep it real and have an awesome summer!!


sarahjane said...

i think what wes forgot to say was "never change".

miss and love you.

c-unitsdaddy said...

very henry david thoreau-esque. Let the rocks cry out...
