Thursday, June 02, 2005

Breakthrough at Iberia

Only those who have attended Iberia Church of Christ will understand the enormity of what we experienced last Sunday when we visited my childhood church. At precisely 10 a.m. the "song leader" made his way to the front , wrote on the dry eraser board the numbers of the four songs we would be singing that morning, then in the appropriate accapella form we sang A RICH MULLINS SONG!!!!! "Oh God, You are my God and I will ever praise You." But it doesn't end there. A Twila Paris tune was also one of the numbers on the dry eraser board. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED- THIS IS HUGE! Who taught them these songs? Is Iberia the next Brownsville? I stand amazed.


Abigail said...

I'm guessing this may lead to a church split...or perhaps the streams of revival are flowing down the Roubidioux. Maybe they need dad to give his "get into the river" message, which I think was the beginning of the end of the BCC Madiger era if my memory serves me right. There's a wind a blowin'!

Ben and Becky said...

WOW, That is truely amazing! Whats next? The dancing flaggers from Wes & Sarah's church?

sarahjane said...

watch it, benny!

c-unitsdaddy said...

Dude, Lena,

I heard the same ragamuffin song on the way home from work. OMEN. Flaggers bug me. j/k