How much is the "uncle" offering to buy me out?
And I'm a bit curious to what's in case #36
Here's us on New Year's Day at the Macaroni Grill
This is Lauren Rossi and myself
Wes Gaines quote and counsel "never go to bed angry at each other ... that's the standard advice everyone will give you ... never worked for us"
more advice where that came from, Joel's on a roll!!!
Joel, deal or no deal?
I could lose it all
I'm going to open case #36 - that is the dad is coming next week to work on my bathrooms and we'll sit down and have a talk. See what he has to offer as far as an inheritance
i'm not sleuth, bill, but i'm pretty sure joel's saying it's a deal.
Joel, is Sarah Jane correct??
What is the audience saying???
Joel. what does your mom say? Deal or no deal?
Also, a little PDA in the picture,. Is that your arm around Lauren or the waiter trying to get her attention?
"Excuse me, miss?" - waiter
Whew, we were going to have to have another Uncle to nephew talk.
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