Sunday, July 31, 2005


"Thank you all"
27, I'm lovin it!
As every year, with my birthday comes the end of July, right now I'm listening to Sparklehorse's It's a Wonderful Life, still my favorite band, try it out, I just finished 1776, so did dad, did you know that our relative Nathaniel Greene was second in command to Washington and was the first recorded person to use the term Declaration of Independence in writing? The book is best explained by the last sentence,
Especially for those who had been with Washington and who knew what a close call it was at the beginning-how often circumstance, storms, contrary winds, the oddities or strengths of individual character had made the difference-the outcome seemed little short of a miracle.
I think for August's reading we are going to do an "all skate" - what I mean by this is that everyone has the assignment (if you should so choose) to pick a book which is short (around 200 pages, preferably something you haven't read yet or would like to read again) and recommend it to the rest of us. Your goal is to read at least one of the selections, and for those more ambitious read as many as you can. The one who has read the most gets a secret prize! So post your recommendation ASAP. Thanks again, for all the calls (gramie was the only one to give me the shaft) and for making me feel special on my B-day, it was truly warm fuzzies throughout! Peace. My pick is Godric by Fredrick Buechner.

1 comment:

sarahjane said...

my pick is "blue like jazz" by donald miller. even if you don't think you'll participate, still suggest because that ups-the-anty for the rest of us (and gives us some new reading material).