Tuesday, March 22, 2005


As I sat back watching 2 of my fine young burritos perform their rehearsed dialogue en espanol, I had no idea what would face me in the upcoming moments…As the swashbuckling gringitos faced-off in a make believe duel… the sophomore boy lunged back, losing his footing, his clod-hoppers not moving….yet his gangly legs swingng forward with a wicked twist. Next thing I know is the class goes silent…and the boy lies motionless on the ground stark white in shock. “Mr. Lampi…I can’t move.” After a call to the office, one home to mom, one to 911, and a rendevous with the EMS and local bomberos (fire dept.), this poor boy is placed on a stretcher with his tworked knee swelling by the second, and myself, a non-tenured teacher is awaiting my fate. The principal stares at me and smiles…Geez Jeff…why don’t you just stick to some dittos and worksheets, instead of getting these kids out of their seats and movin’…it’s safer, ha! To make a long story short, the boy will be ok (dislocation), and after I dispel of the many rumors around school of myself getting REX-KWON-DO psycho on a child, so will I. Always something interesting happening in the “P” (Pinckney for any out-of-towners).

1 comment:

Abigail said...

In my best duck voice: AFLAC!

P.S. Jeffrey, we're gonna hit SD on Sunday after church for Easter dinner with the in-laws. There's an open invite and place settings for three more if interested? Trust me, you'll leave with a Stu story!